Friday, December 6, 2019

Principles of Management Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Study of Principles of Management. Answer: Introduction Principles of managementcan be defined as certain guidelines, which must be followed by the managers in the course of making anymanagement related activity successful. This report outlines the fact to make an individual assignment of a particular case study of management. A brief discussion of the synopsis, symptoms, problems, causes, alternatives, proposed solutions and implementation of the case study has been attempted in this report. Synopsis The case study deals with a renowned Canadian merchandiser of consumer products-D.H.P Stores Inc, Recently, D.H.P Stores Inc has launched a credit card campaign to induce the buyers to buy more consumer goods. Unfortunately, this had created a dispute among the top-level marketing, finance and operations managers of the company. The task was later segregated among the finance, marketing and operations departments. However, later it was not implemented due to the employees irresponsible attitude. The official in charge reacted audaciously to the above waywardness, which further made the situation critical and the Vice President had to intervene. Symptoms The symptoms of the problem can be detected at the time of the executive committee meeting, where the proposal was being discussed by the President and the Vice-Presidents. There was a subtle disagreement regarding the departmental implementations of the aforementioned credit card campaign. Problems The first problem was after the meeting was held; the departments failed to keep up with their assigned tasks. As a result, the promotion of the credit card facility stood at a standstill. The second problem was the aggressive criticism of the store managers by Ray Patton. After this, the store managers had become seriously upset and the situation turned critical. Causes The cause of the problem was the inactiveness and irresponsibility of the departmental managers. They did not perform their task with the necessary zeal and eagerness. The conduct of Ray Patton is also worth mentionable. Mr. Patton was unnecessarily inconsiderate and brash in his criticism of the failure of the store managers. Alternatives The problem of departmental implementation of the campaign task- The campaign could have been allocated solely to the marketing department. Advantage- Effectiveness in the application of the campaign. Disadvantage- Over burden on the marketing department. The problem of the inactiveness of the store managers- The store managers should have been further advised and reminded of their duty on a frequent basis. Advantage- The campaign would have become top priority of the store managers. Disadvantage- The urgency of the other important tasks would have faded in comparison. The problem of the audacious conduct of Mr. Ray Patton Mr. Patton would have been patient in his criticism. Advantage- The disappointment of the store managers would have been avoided. Disadvantage- The store managers would further have taken advantage of the leniency of Mr. Patton. Proposed Solution The best solution would have been to constantly remind the store managers of their upcoming responsibility. It is the best solution because it would have efficiently captured the interest of the managers to become their top priority. Implementation The above strategy can be implemented by the marketing departmental head by frequently sending a reminder and asking for an appraisal report regarding the credit card campaign from the store managers. This would have created urgency in the minds of the store managers to follow up the task. Conclusion Conclusively, from the above analysis, it is evident thatmanagement is a tricky task. Human beings are complex creatures. In a workplace every employees have to dealt with sensitiveness and consideration. The employees are the revenue-earning source of an organization. Therefore, their sentiments must be properly valued. The principles of organizational behavior can be introduced and adopted by the organizations to mitigate conflicts and disputes.

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