Friday, October 4, 2019

Recommendation letter from a Dentist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Recommendation letter from a Dentist - Essay Example At Smile Dental Mr. Golamari has carried out a number of particular duties and even shown some initiative where the situation has demanded it. When he first joined, Mr. Golamari spent much of his time observing and taking down notes from what he witnessed. This struck me because most young dental assistants dive straight in without looking first to witness first-hand the tasks that fall under the responsibility of a dental assistant. As an observer, much of Mr. Golamari’s time was concerned with examining patients’ teeth, updating patients’ medical records, and clearly explaining dental procedures to unsure and anxious patients. Throughout all of this, it became clear to me that Mr. Golamari has a real concern for the welfare of his patients and does his utmost to put their minds at ease. Sitting in the chair and waiting for a procedure can be one of the most daunting experiences for a patient, so it has been reassuring to me that Mr. Golamari has eased the tensi on for my patients on numerous occasions and helped to make my job immeasurably more straightforward. Not long after Mr. Golamari began his work as my observer, it became evident to me that he could handle more complex tasks. I did not want to overburden him at first, so I gradually increased the level of responsibility for Mr. Golamari. I knew that Mr. Golamari had worked previously as a dental assistant back in India, but the procedures here are a little different and so he needed some time to get uptospeed. After I felt that he was ready, I made Mr. Golamari my dental assistant, and he has performed such duties as chair side assisting taking full mouth x-rays, coronal polishing, placing temporary fillings, fabricating and fixing temporary crowns, and overall patient education. Over the time Mr. Golamari has spent as my dental assistant he has never once complained

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